28–29 Nov 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Author's Guidelines and Deadlines

Author's Guidelines

The Abstract shall be submitted by April 15th, 2024. After the notification of Abstract acceptance, the author will be required to submit the Full-Length Paper by June 30th, 2024. The papers will be subject to peer review. If corrections are required, the corrected version shall be submitted as soon as possible and in any case not after September 30th 2024.

Instructions for preparing the abstract:

  1. The Abstract shall be submitted using indico management system (an indico user is required. NOTE: the registration to indico is not valid as registration for the conference attendance)
  2. Click on Call for Abstracts on the side menu.
  3. Click on Submit new abstract button and fill the submission form.
  4. Carefully select the Contribution Type choosing between:
    1. Full-length paper (Indexed): if you want your paper to be included in indexed proceedings.
    2. Full-length paper (non-Indexed): if you want your paper to be included in non-indexed proceedings.
  5. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.

Abstracts and Full-Length Papers (indexed) shall be written in English.
Abstracts and Full-Length Papers (non-indexed) can be written in English or Italian.
Any Full-Length Paper written in Italian will be automatically excluded by the Indexation process.

Instructions for preparing the paper:

  1. The paper shall be submitted ‘camera-ready’, but without page numbers or running headlines. 
  2. The Author shall follow IOS Press Instructions and use Word Template Only for the preparation of an Electronic Camera-Ready Manuscript. The template can be downloaded here
  3. All the submitted files shall have the same filename with different extensions. The filename shall be the word "paper" followed by an "_" and then the paper id number (e.g. paper_134.doc, paper_134.pdf, paper_134.rar)
  4. The paper shall be submitted through the conference management system Indico. The following files shall be uploaded:
    1. MS Word document (paper_id.doc);
    2. An identical high-resolution PDF file with all fonts embedded (paper_id.pdf)
      (We recommend Adobe Acrobat Distiller and the job option Press-Optimized)
  5. All the files shall be uploaded by clicking on My Conference/MyContributions, then, after selecting the paper to be uploaded, click on Submit Paper button. Then drag and drop all the files required at point 3 and click Save button.
    Do NOT upload any file through the edit button in the presentation material section.
  6. The length of the ‘camera-ready’ paper should not exceed 10 pages.

Papers non-compliant with these instructions will be rejected.


  • Submission of Abstracts:  May 15, 2024
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: May 25, 2024
  • Submission of full-length papers: June 30, 2024
  • Notification of final acceptance: September 15, 2024
  • Submission of revised papers (if required): September 30, 2024