15–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Experiments for the definition of communication models: the visual identity of a navigation company in relation to on-board services

15 Jun 2022, 12:20
Paper Safety and security 1A


maria elisabetta ruggiero (Università di Genova - Dipartimento Architettura e Design)


The advent of the pandemic in the last two years has called into question the communication apparatus referred to the identities of the shipping companies: not only this must respond to the needs of marketing and identification of those who are to be considered real brands, but today it must respond to the need for 'reassurance' regarding a new aspect, perhaps less considered before, namely that of 'health and hygiene' safety. Forms of innovation introduced in recent years, such as those entrusted to touch screens, seemed difficult to pursue and therefore paper forms ad personam, app and social media, are perhaps more effective, highlighting a progression of targets that are gradually younger.
Many media have been involved in this process and consequently the languages adopted have diversified according to different needs.
The research work presented here intends to illustrate a study methodology that starts from the assumptions of visual and linguistic analysis of the state of the art to arrive at defining reflections and proposals. The experimentation was also conducted with the involvement of didactic experiences (seminars and applications) from which it was possible to deduce some useful reflections for further ideas, such as the perception of certain problems, the need to involve integrated communication systems and finally the development of specific applications. In this context, it is important to underline the role that social media play today in the dissemination of visual communications which, as a whole, amplify the perception of a brand's identity and allow for in-depth information on issues subject to sudden changes, just like the one mentioned as a premise.

Primary authors

Prof. Maria Linda Falcidieno (Unige -DAD) maria elisabetta ruggiero (Università di Genova - Dipartimento Architettura e Design) Prof. massimo malagugini (Unige - DAD) Prof. Ruggero Torti (Unige - Dad) Dr Nicoletta Sorrentino (Unige - DAD)

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