15–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Road to maritime sector decarbonization

15 Jun 2022, 17:00
Paper Environment protection and ship energy efficiency 3B


Mr Maurizio Archetti (Ecospray)Prof. Barbara Bosio (Department of Civil , Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy)Mr Xin Wang (Ecospray ) Eleonora Castiglione (Ecospray Technologies)


Ecospray is actively working on projects for carbon capture, using three different technologies for removing CO2 from exhaust gas:
•Fuel cells, for removing and concentrating CO2
•Amines scrubbing, for chemical removal of CO2
•Calcium hydroxide scrubbing, for CO2 chemical removal and permanent carbon mineralization
Ecospray is developing Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell technology (high temperature cells operating with molten carbonate as electrolyte) as a unique solution that reduces costs and environmental impact coupling carbon capture with energy production.
In the current stage of development, with also a specific laboratory in partnership with Genoa University, our Carbon Friendly Fuel Cells are designed to be fueled with ammonia or methane, producing energy very efficiently and acting as CO2 concentrators too.
The low concentrated CO2 in the exhaust gas of engines can be fed to the cathode and up to 90% of the CO2 is then captured and therefore transferred to the anode. The resulting concentrated CO2 can be easily separated and liquefied for further usage.
Ecospray aims to achieve with this project, started in 2019 with several European partners, the first large-scale maritime implementation program of CO2 capturing technologies.
In the Amines scrubbing technology, part of the exhaust gas is extracted downstream the existing DeSOx tower and sent to an additional reactor where an amine solution flow is recirculated in a closed loop process, absorbing the CO2 from the gas stream. When amine flow is regenerated, CO2 is captured and liquefied (for onboard storing)
In the last project CaO/Ca(OH)2 is bunkered and stored onboard as a solid bulk powder. It is mixed with water and injected directly into an auxiliary dedicated scrubber, absorbing CO2. As a result, the environmentally safe product containing captured Carbon, is discharged overboard.
Deadlines for onboard or prototypes in Ecospray laboratories testing are all fixed for middle 2022.

Primary authors

Mr Maurizio Archetti (Ecospray) Prof. Barbara Bosio (Department of Civil , Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy)

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