Jun 20 – 22, 2018
Trieste (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Investigation Of Piracy between 2008 – 2016 and Evalution of New Risk Category: Maritime Cyber Threats

Not scheduled
Trieste (Italy)

Trieste (Italy)

Stazione Marittima
Safety and security


Mrs arife tugsan isiacik colak (Captain LEcturer ( PhD ))


Today, the seas have become a convenient medium for organizing criminal activities such as terrorism, use of weapons of mass destruction, drug smuggling, movement of refugees and illegal immigration. Within this framework, illegal activities on the seas have become an extremely profitable area for maritime gangs and organized criminal teams. This study is aimed at investigating modern piracy ‘Maritime Cyber Threats’ but before it will be mentioned the regions that became piracy centers in the world, piracy attacks during 2008-2016, important piracy cases and ISPS Code. Piracy and smuggling were the main threats of the day, but soon other risks appeared. Today, cyber-related risks are unquestionably a large and rapidly growing portion of all the risks to ports, facilities, and vessels. It is important that ship operators, ship managers and vessels’ crews as well as terminal operators are aware of the potential threats from cyberattacks on their assets . This paper aims creating awareness about maritime cyber security and defining risks for vulnerable equipments on board. Key: Maritime Cyber Security, ISPS Code, Piracy, Maritime Cyber Threats

Primary author

Mrs arife tugsan isiacik colak (Captain LEcturer ( PhD ))

Presentation materials

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