Jun 20 – 22, 2018
Trieste (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

The Cyber Risk and its management in the Marine Industry

Jun 22, 2018, 12:00 PM
Oceania (Trieste (Italy))


Trieste (Italy)

Stazione Marittima
Paper Ship digitalization, unmanned vehicle and cyber security Navy and Cyber Security


Ms Cassi Elisa (Lloyd's Register EMEA)Mr Paolo Scialla (Lloyd's Register EMEA)


In the latest years a number of incidents affecting both the information and operations of several industry and business sectors stimulated the needs for taking into consideration the risks associated to the use of innovative technologies in a number of production and business processes. The maritime sector is potentially exposed to a number of hazards that need to be assessed and treated. Passenger and cargo ships, yachts, supply and offshore vessels so as waterways transports, harbour facilities and infrastructures are included in international programs for the assessment of cyber risks as having assumed that the latest years Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are widely applied in processing information and support operations. Similar to hazards associated to other technologies and activities, the ‘cyber environment’ needs to be considered by appropriate risk assessment processes and the risks that are identified need to be mitigated by appropriate measures. The rapid evolution of digital and information technologies that attract marine operators and owners by optimising and improving their business is asking for a continuous likewise evolution of protection techniques and testing means and procedures. This paper will explore the cyber environment and focus on the management of the cyber risk in the marine industry.

Primary author

Mr Paolo Scialla (Lloyd's Register EMEA)


Ms Cassi Elisa (Lloyd's Register EMEA) Mr John Paul Cavanna (Lloyd's Register EMEA)

Presentation materials

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Peer reviewing
