Jun 20 – 22, 2018
Trieste (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Interior Yacht Design: evolution and new scenarios

Jun 22, 2018, 2:30 PM
Saturnia (Trieste (Italy))


Trieste (Italy)

Stazione Marittima
Paper Yacht, pleasure craft design and inland vessels design Interior Yacht Design


Mariateresa Campolongo (Università degli Studi di Genova)


The recreational craft market (for boats longer than 24 metres) is particularly interesting as it continues to grow, displaying an ongoing positive trend since 2010 (source: Altagamma and SBI) with motor yachts constituting the major segment. These boats offer several points for consideration, particularly regarding their interior design, a topic of great interest nowadays. The interiors of large boats were characterized for decades by recognizable aesthetic traits that led to the definition of a proper nautical line: lacquered mahogany for furniture and bulkheads, white ceilings, blue and white striped fabrics, and bright brass handles all make up what has been called "Old Navy Style". In the last twenty years, however, there has been a real revolution in the interior design of these boats. Various key points underlie this new concept of Interior Yacht Design: a renewed interest in synergy between domestic interior and nautical styles (with the arrival of a new generation of designers eager to present something different: starchitects, famous fashion designers and well-known civil architects), the search for the most suitable materials and technologies, and a desire to open up the boat outwards. In this varied panorama, what are the possible future scenarios of Interior Yacht Design?

Primary author

Mariateresa Campolongo (Università degli Studi di Genova)

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