Carlo Fantoni
(Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste), Mr
Marco Jez
(Arsenal s.r.l.), Dr
Marko Keber
(Fincantieri Oil&Gas S.p.A.)
6/20/18, 2:00 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Ship design review (SDR) involves extensive collaborative and participatory processes requiring all SDR actors (designers, stakeholders, end-users) to manage a large complex decision space and to cope with heavy cognitive demands. Here, we present a novel framework for the development of a system whose purpose is to optimize the balance between SDR complexity and users’ cognitive effort. The...
Igor Juricic
(HexagonPPM - Marine Business Development)
6/20/18, 2:15 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Current CAD/PLM technology is finally allowing to perform engineering progress evaluation based on the model data rather than on traditional drawings and human subjective estimation.
The paper illustrates the applied method, the requirements posed on the CAD/PLM solution to guarantee the applicability, a solution already available on the market and a real case study.
Rodolfo Taccani
(University of Trieste)
6/20/18, 2:30 PM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
Data analysis of vessels routes show that shipping is responsible of about 3% of world CO2 and other pollutants production. The effect on environment is increased as most of the emissions are concentrated in coastal areas. IMO and other bodies are making growing efforts to impose severe limits on shipping pollutions. Different technical and operational improvements have been made but hydrogen...
6/20/18, 2:45 PM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
A vital component on the CP propeller shaft line is the gear box. The gear box is nowadays developed as a high- technology product being integral part of the shaft line system allowing: a) optimal rotational speeds for the propeller and the engine; b) configurational arrangements (e.g. twin- in, single- out layouts); c) two- propeller speed operation; d) integration of propeller hydraulic...
Fabrizio Cadenaro
(Lloyd's Register EMEA)
6/20/18, 3:00 PM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
In recent years there has been a strong move toward the adoption of LNG and other alternative fuels in the marine industry, mostly driven by new environmental regulations and the possibility, by doing so, to have overall cost competitive power systems. Different fuels have different storage requirements which may have a large impact on the ship design. Industry is now pushed both toward the...
Raphael Zaccone
(Università di Genova, DITEN)
6/20/18, 3:15 PM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
In recent years the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced increasingly stringent regulations regarding sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from the marine engines. Also the theme of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) marine emissions is considered with increasing attention. A reduction of the above emissions, as known, could be achieved by adopting more...
Alessandro Iannello
6/21/18, 8:30 AM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
The purpose of the project is to carry out the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of an innovative integrated management and treatment system on waste from modern cruise passenger ships.
The benefits of the new configuration compared to the traditional one will be identified by analyzing the entire waste chain from on board production to final disposal, through the various...
Edwin van Hassel
(University of Antwerp)
6/21/18, 8:45 AM
Environment protection, electric system and ship energy efficiency
On 8 September 2017, the Ballast Water Treaty was officially ratified by IMO. The goal of this Treaty is to protect the marine environment. Exceptions to this Treaty are allowed, on condition that the risk of inventorisation of species is not increased. This research focuses on the economic (and societal) cost-benefit analysis of possible exceptions to the Treaty, in particular the possibility...
Vittorio Bucci
(University of Trieste)
6/21/18, 9:00 AM
Yacht, pleasure craft design and inland vessels design
The increasing focus on air pollution reduction for transportation systems requires to adopt new technologies and innovative solutions to limit vehicles emissions. In case of inland waterway transportation (IWT), once vessels have to operate close to urban areas or in natural reserves, the necessity to provide a “green navigation” is of primary importance. With this specific aim, especially...
Martin Einsiedler
(Shiptec AG)
6/21/18, 9:15 AM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
The energy consumption of propulsion and all on board systems is becoming more and more into the focus of attention in shipbuilding and operation.
After some ample and intensive analysis and measurements of multiple operational profiles of ships, it was determined that a new, hybrid propulsion system, will be the optimal solution to reduce fuel consumption in timetable operation.
Rodolfo Taccani
(University of Trieste)
6/21/18, 9:30 AM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
The number of cruise ships sailing is growing constantly worldwide driven by increasing number of passengers. Higher attention to this ship segment, runs together with more complex energy systems installed on board due to the need of improving the energy efficiency. For this reasons, ship Owners and Shipyards are involved in the design of power plants and energy management systems that ensure...
Lorenzo Brigati
(Wartsila Italia SpA)
6/21/18, 9:45 AM
Environment protection, electric system and ship energy efficiency
The recent trend of marine industry towards more efficient and versatile ships and lower emission has increased the interest in hybrid solutions.
However, the spread of this technology has been limited by several factors both economical and technical.
Among these, a recurrent issue is the sizing of Energy Storage System (ESS) which is strictly connected to the vessel’s typology, its...