Jun 20 – 22, 2018
Trieste (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Preliminary assessment of route optimisation for fuel minimisation and safety of navigation by the use of cooperatively collected data at sea

Jun 22, 2018, 9:45 AM
Marconi (Trieste (Italy))


Trieste (Italy)

Stazione Marittima
Paper Numerical & experimental hydrodynamics Weather Routing and Environment Modeling


Dr Andrea Orlandi (Researcher at Consorzio LaMMA)


The growing pressure of the international regulations on GHG emissions from ships is pushing towards the adoption of a variety of operational energy efficiency measures. The fusion of measurement techniques, smart telecommunication technologies and numerical modelling approaches has a great potential for the implementation of services for the shipping industry. Among these, there are weather routing systems for improving both energy efficiency and navigational safety. PROFUMO Demonstrator is an ESA ARTES-20 project. Its main goal is to implement a pre-operational system for fleet management and weather routing services, based on the cooperative collection of meteo-marine data from ships, to improve weather forecast. Atmospheric information from GNSS signals (Galileo , GPS) are utilised to improve numerical weather predictions and hence offer detailed Mediterranean route optimization services. The architecture of the system and some first implementation results will be described, in particular on the integration of meteo-marine forecasting with ship modelling and route optimization, with some sensitivity analyses of the optimization process, under different approaches for modelling wind and waves added resistances and computing the ship powering performances. In perspective we imagine the use of in-service measured data to dynamically improve the ship modelling components of the system.

Primary author

Dr Andrea Orlandi (Researcher at Consorzio LaMMA)


Dr Alberto Ortolani (CNR-IBIMET and Consorzio LaMMA) Dr Luigi Costalli (Aleph srl, Florence, Italy.) Dr Riccardo Benedetti (Consorzio LaMMA) Mr Valerio Capecchi (Consorzio LaMMA, Firenze)

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