Nov 14 – 16, 2019
Naples (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Author's Guidelines and Deadlines

An international Scientific Committee, representative of international academic and cultural institutions, will review the extended abstracts assuring the scientific quality of the conference. Professors Antonio Scamardella (University of Naples Parthenope) and Ernesto Fasano (University of Naples Federico II) have been engaged to chair the CNM 2019 Conference Scientific Committee. CNM 2019 Proceedings will be indexed by SCOPUS.

Author's Guidelines

The authors are required to choose the contribution type between the following two options:

  1. Extended abstract: allows the submission of an extended abstract in Italian or English language. The authors are not allowed to submit a full-length paper. (Applicable fees: Attendance/presentation of extended abstract, Attendance/presentation of extended abstract*)
  2. Extended abstract + paper: allows the submission of an extended abstract in English language only. Provided that the extended abstract is accepted, the authors are allowed to submit a full-length paper that will be included in conference Proceedings and indexed by SCOPUS. (Applicable fees: Presentation of indexed full paper*, Presentation of indexed full paper ATENA Member*)

Extended Abstract

The extended abstract has to highlight the novelty of the proposed contribution and shall be submitted within May 31, 2019. It must not exceed 5000 words and 4 pages and It should include a title, the names and affiliations of the authors, a short-abstract (max 500 words), 3-5 keywords, an introduction, a brief description of the contribution and the results achieved,  the conclusions, and the references.

In the following are listed the instructions for preparing the extended abstract:

  1. The extended abstract shall be composed in MS Word or LaTex adopting the conference template:
    1. Word Template
    2. LaTex Template
  2. The paper shall be submitted through the conference management system Indico (an indico user is required) declaring also presenter name among the authors. The following files have to be attached:
    1. If the Author submits the extended abstract in Word:
      1. MS Word document (filename.doc);
      2. An identical high-resolution PDF file with all fonts embedded (filename.pdf)
        (We recommend Adobe Acrobat Distiller and the job option Press-Optimized.)
    2. If the Author submits the extended abstract in LaTeX:
      1. A single zip file containing the source code and figures (;
      2. A high-resolution PDF file generated from the source files you submit (filename.pdf)
  3. The Author shall not submit more than one version of the same item.
  4. All the files shall be uploaded by clicking on My Call for Abstracts/Submit Abstract, then filling the submission form.

Extended abstracts non-compliant with these instructions will not be accepted.

Full-length paper

After the notification of final acceptance, the authors are allowed to present their contribution during the conference. Moreover, provided that English language was adopted and the option "Extended abstract + paper" was selected, the author will be required to submit the full-length paper within August 23, 2019, developing the topic presented in the extended abstract. The full-length papers should not exceed 10 pages and will be subject to layout review only. If corrections are required, the corrected version shall be submitted as soon as possible and in any case not after September 15, 2019.

In the following are listed the instructions for preparing the full-length paper:

  1. The paper shall be composed in MS Word or LaTex adopting the conference template:
    1. Word Template
    2. LaTex Template
  2. The paper shall be submitted through the conference management system Indico. The following files shall be uploaded:
    1. If the Author submits the paper in Word:
      1. MS Word document (filename.doc);
      2. An identical high-resolution PDF file with all fonts embedded (filename.pdf)
        (We recommend Adobe Acrobat Distiller and the job option Press-Optimized.)
    2. If the Author submits the paper in LaTeX:
      1. A single zip file containing the source code and figures (;
      2. A high-resolution PDF file generated from the source files you submit (filename.pdf)
  3. The Author shall not submit more than one version of the same item.
  4. All the submitted files shall have the same filename with different extensions. The filename shall be the word "paper" followed by an "_" and then the paper id number assigned to the contribution after abstract submission.
    (e.g. paper_134.doc, paper_134.pdf, paper_134.rar)
  5. All the files shall be uploaded by clicking on My Conference/MyContributions, then, after selection of the paper to be uploaded, clicking on Upload Paper in the Reviewing box. Then click on upload paper on the popup window. Add all files through the Upload Paper popup window (multiple files can be added clicking on button more). Do not upload any file through edit button in box Files.

Papers non-compliant with these instructions will not be accepted.

NOTE FOR PRESENTERS: The presenters of one or more indexed papers have to register to the conference and present the payment receipt within September 15th, 2019. After this term, all the contributions related to non-paying presenters will be rejected. The presenters have to attend the conference. If they cannot attend, they shall contact the conference organization and agree on a substitution. The non-communicated absence will cause the rejection of their contribution.


  • Submission of extended abstracts: May 31, 2019
  • Notification of final acceptance: July 15, 2019
  • Submission of full-length papers (optional): August 23, 2019
  • Paper layout review: September 1, 2019
  • Early registration: September 1, 2019