Cristiano Bettini
(ATENA Roma)
11/14/19, 10:00 AM
Presentazione libro in apertura Convegno ATENA 2019
Titolo : Come progettavano i velieri – Alle origini dell’Architettura moderna di navi e yacht
Presentazione : Cristiano Bettini
Short Abstract
Il XVIII secolo registra, dopo duemila anni dalla scoperta della legge idrostatica di Archimede, un cambio di passo radicale per l’Architettura navale, che avviene in epoca velica e si...
Claudia Tacchella
(Dipartimento Architettura e Design - Università di Genova)
11/14/19, 11:00 AM
The history of the great Genoese power has generally well known historical reputation, which continues over the decades, with its roots sunk in the Middle Ages and lasting until the Renaissance, period of greater magnificence, in which it was known as the Superba. From a historical point of view related to shipbuilding, it is therefore interesting to find out which boats had to compose and...
(Dipartimento Architettura e Design, Università di Genova)
11/14/19, 11:20 AM
In the eighteenth century, there were three major innovations that produced significant changes to shipbuilding and the ship. This is the advent of iron construction, the use of the alternative steam machine and the invention of propeller propulsion. The incipit of the development of steam propulsion originates in the mechanical transmission of boats with paddle wheels. Already in the...
Bruno Spanghero
(DITEN - Università di Genova)
11/14/19, 11:40 AM
Josef Ressel, nasce a Chrudim nella Boemia Orientale, appartenente all’Impero d’Austria, nel 1793, da una famiglia di limitate disponibilità economiche. Ha una formazione molto articolata. Frequenta una scuola di artiglieria, passa alla facoltà di Medicina dell’Università di Vienna. Continua con gli studi forestali all’Accademia di Mariabrunn. Nel 1817 inizia il suo servizio con...
Luigi Prisco
(Centro Studi Tradizioni Nautiche (CSTN))
11/14/19, 12:00 PM
Partendo da due documenti contenuti nei corposi volumi della cancelleria angioina è possible ricostruire le tecniche di alaggio e di varo delle imbarcazioni utilizzate negli arsenali di periodo angioino. Per fare ciò bisogna attuare un’ attenta analisi filologica di alcuni termini presenti nei due documenti in questione. Il primo è in francese vernacolare, datato 1279, e riguarda alcuni lavori...
francesco paolo buonocunto
11/14/19, 12:20 PM
L’attività svolta nell’ambito del percorso formativo di Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (ASL), tra l’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISMAR-CNR) sede di Napoli, ed il Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei” di Napoli si è incentrata su tematiche inerenti la risorsa mare. Dopo un accurato studio bibliografico, finalizzato all’approfondimento di alcuni concetti base sulle...
Crescenzo Violante
11/14/19, 12:40 PM
A substantial amount of prehistoric and historic cultural landscapes is now submerged. Sea levels have fluctuated throughout geological time, periodically encroaching or retreating across coastal plains. These now-submerged zones were important for prehistoric and historic humans, allowing access to marine and terrestrial resources and to transportation and migration routes. The principal...
Desirée Tommaselli
(Università degli Studi "Tor Vergata")
11/14/19, 2:00 PM
Storica e monumentale sede della Marina Militare nella Capitale, “Palazzo Marina” assolve fin dalla sua fondazione il ruolo di importante “faro” di cultura marinara e di strumento di comunicazione della marittimità italiana. L’edificio è stato volutamente eretto sulle sponde del Tevere per ribadire la natura- le e storica vocazione marittima dell’Italia e per ricordare come la penisola abbia...
Gianfranco Damilano
(ATENA Sezione Ligure Piemontese)
11/14/19, 2:20 PM
Refitting and conservation of marine and maritime heritage
extended abstract
E’ in corso presso il DITEN della Scuola Politecnica dell’Università di Genova la catalogazione, a cura della Sezione Ligure Piemontese di ATENA. di un cospicuo numero di disegni progettuali navali risalenti alla fine del XIX secolo ed ai primi anni del XX, finora conservati in armadi presso la vasca navale della Scuola.
Questi disegni, quasi certamente entrati a far parte del materiale...
Chiara Zazzaro
(Università di Napoli "L'Orientale"), Prof.
Claudio Pensa
(Università di Napoli Federico II)
11/14/19, 2:40 PM
Refitting and conservation of marine and maritime heritage
extended abstract
A collection of boat model kept in the former Colonial Museum in Rome, now housed in the Museo Preistorico Etnografico “Luigi Pigorini” is a rare testimony, in Italy, of traditional boats in use in the early 20th century in the Mediterranean and in the western Indian Ocean. The project — a collaboration among the Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico “Luigi Pigorini”, the Università di...
Francesco De Lorenzo
11/14/19, 3:00 PM
The attention on a global scale to the preservation of the ecosystems and to the reduction of emissions connected to anthropogenic activities falls mainly on industrial activities and on the transport sector. The role of the maritime sector is crucial in this theme since it impacts both on the balance of both marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Reduction of vessel emissions into the marine...
Beatrice Tori
(Maritime Technology Cluster FVG - mareFVG)
11/14/19, 3:20 PM
Passenger ships evacuation analysis is nowadays a required step in the
ship design process. In this sense, a new set of international Regulations has been issued to improve the survival ability of passenger and ro-ro ships. The “Safe Return to Port” Regulation is referring to the need to grant adequate ship functionality when a casualty occurs (e.g. fire or flooding), requiring the ship...
Nick Danese
(Nick Danese Applied Research), Mr
(STN - Studio Tecnico Navale)
11/14/19, 3:40 PM
Efficient Data & Information sharing is key to and backbone of the collaborative effort to successful completion of projects on time and on budget. Current software tools generating growing amounts of data, and some generate information in more-or-less structured ways, too. However, a heterogeneous, collaborative approach is not supported much by the software industry which remains rather...
Francesco Mauro
(Universita' di Trieste, University of Rijeka)
11/14/19, 4:20 PM
Tethered escort of ships is performed by specially designed tugs linked
by a tow-line to a strong point aft of the assisted ship. In fact, the tug is called to control the course and speed of the assisted ship in an emergency situation), so reducing the risk of grounding or collision. A substantial number of studies about ship casualties shows the grounding as the predominant accident when...
Luca Braidotti
(University of Trieste, University of Rijeka)
11/14/19, 5:00 PM
Naval architecture and marine engineering evolution
extended abstract + paper
Nowadays a fast and challenging digitalisation process is underway within the maritime domain. Many disruptive technologies will cause a radical modification of the operations, of the logistics and of the labour market in the near future. With particular attention to the Adriatic region, this work provides an extensive review of the disruptive innovations that might be applied by port...
11/14/19, 5:20 PM
Waterfront evolution and coastal marine environment
extended abstract + paper
This paper aims to investigate societal sustainability according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that is the 17 global goals for Sustainable Development settled by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. Especially, the study is focused on the cruise industry that is a segment of the wider tourism industry that does not know currently "crisis" in terms of increase of the...
Claudio Parente
(University of Naples "Parthenope")
11/14/19, 5:40 PM
Waterfront evolution and coastal marine environment
extended abstract + paper
In the last decades Marine Geographic Information Systems (MGISs) have had an increasing diffusion because of their ability to store, manage and analyze a great amount of heterogeneous data concerning sea and ocean environments. To build a MGIS, nautical charts are fundamental: they provides useful information such as shoreline configuration, seafloor morphology, water depths, anchorages, and...
(Hystoric Office of Italian Navy)
11/15/19, 9:00 AM
Maria Sirago
(NAV LAB Laboratorio di Storia Navale)
11/15/19, 9:30 AM
The development of the Neapolitan royal fleet and of the merchant marine in the second half of 1700s provided for a good technical preparation for the officers and sailors: therefore, an articulated structure was created for the development of nautical studies. After the arrival of Charles of Bourbon (1734) the Academy of Navy was founded for the officers and a College for Pilots was created...
Paola Avallone
(Issm cnr), Ms
raffaella salvemini
11/15/19, 9:50 AM
Con il nostro contributo su Procida ci si propone di studiare l’impegno di una comunità che, a partire dall’arrivo Carlo di Borbone nel 1734, si afferma nel settore della marineria, della navigazione e della finanza dentro e fuori del regno di Napoli.
Pasquale Buonarotti
11/15/19, 10:10 AM
La presentazione è quella di un libro che descrive la biografia dell'Autore: un comandante di navi petroliere . Ma non si tratta solamente della biografia dell'Autore ma è sopratutto un racconto della vita del navigante in generale . Un libro che è stato scritto con l'intento di far emergere la figura del navigante appunto : una figura che è sconosciuta al grosso pubblico e di cui i media non...
Martina M.P. Rossi
(Maritime Technology Cluster FVG- mareFVG)
11/15/19, 11:00 AM
L’economia del mare è un valore storico-culturale che esprime la capacità multidisciplinare e di coesione dei territori, sintetizzando le vocazioni artigianali, commerciali, manifatturiere e creative. Oggi, l’economia del mare è in pieno sviluppo e in piena trasformazione digitale, con prospettive di crescita di lungo periodo e in controtendenza rispetto alle incertezze registrate...
Anna Dondana
11/15/19, 11:20 AM
L’articolo presenta una panoramica dell’evoluzione tecnico-normativa di tre qualifiche normate della subacquea industriale ai sensi della Legge 07/2016 Art. 2.1 del del DPR 31/18 Art. 10.1 denominate: Inshore Diver, Top up e Offshore Sat Diver e della nuova figura di Diver Medic Primo Soccorso che è certificabile ai sensi della norma di certificazione delle competenze ISO IEC 17024....
Martina Maria Paola Rossi
(Maritime Technology Cluster FVG - mareFVG)
11/15/19, 11:40 AM
La crescita blu non potrà che avere fondamento nella disponibilità di risorse professionali qualificate e prima ancora di vocazione ai mestieri del mare, che tuttavia scontano un bias negativo nei giovani e nelle loro famiglie, nonostante la crescente richiesta da parte delle imprese. In risposta a tutto questo, il Cluster marittimo della regione Friuli Venezia Giulia sta realizzando una serie...
Giulia Palomba
(University of Messina - Department of Engineering)
11/15/19, 12:00 PM
Materials and structures for marine applications often require to combine high mechanical performance with lightness. Sandwich structures based on polymeric or metallic cores are traditional lightweight solutions for marine applications. However, common sandwich structures do not always offer a suitable protection from some ordinary in-service events such as low-velocity impacts with floating...
Fasano Ernesto
(Università di Napoli "Federico II")
11/15/19, 12:20 PM
Dredging operations require deep maritime culture and experience, nowadays joined to a real environmental integrity. Moreover technological development gives new tools in dredging devices and general equipments, so that dredger evolution is improving and new design solutions are also expected in the near future. Taking into account new upgrades, available in the technical literature, this...
Pasqualino Corigliano
(University of Messina)
11/15/19, 12:40 PM
The strip-planking technique, which is based on the use of glued-laminated wood, is characterized by many interesting features for wood boatbuilding. The main advantages offered are an easier construction process along with a better exploitation of the mechanical properties of the materials. In order to investigate the response of a particular glued-laminated wooden panel (made by Douglas fir...
Martina Callegaro
(University of Genoa)
11/15/19, 2:00 PM
Houseboating is mainly known as a popular recreational activity, that takes place all around the world, involving groups of people of all ages, aboard houseboats of all varieties and sizes.
Houseboating is a relatively recent, but this practice seems to have a very ancient history. In fact, it can find its roots in India as well as in China or in the European continent, but the history of...
Carlo Bertorello
(Universita' di Napoli Federico II)
11/15/19, 2:20 PM
Refitting and conservation of marine and maritime heritage
extended abstract
Restaurare Velarca è stato riportarla al suo poterla usare, viverla come catalizzatore di atmosfere, pensieri, scambi, come contenitore di culture, conoscenze e modi di essere. E come momento di svago. Perché Velarca nel modo in cui è stata voluta dai suoi proprietari e resa da Belgiojoso, Banfi, Perassutti e Rogers nel 1961 è stata tutto questo. Nella storia dell’imbarcazione in legno,...
Antonia Soriente
(Università di Napoli "L'Orientale"), Prof.
Chiara Zazzaro
(Università di Napoli "L'Orientale")
11/15/19, 2:40 PM
Refitting and conservation of marine and maritime heritage
extended abstract
Indonesia is a very rich country in terms of maritime heritage, both underwater and ethnographic. The historical relevance of the islands in the global maritime trade network is recognised worldwide, so as the particularity of boat construction and navigation techniques. Contemporary wooden boatbuilding activities and traditional sailing still survive in various Indonesian regions. After a...
Valerio Ruggiero
(University of Messina)
11/15/19, 3:00 PM
Naval architecture and marine engineering evolution
extended abstract + paper
In Italy there is a large fleet of passenger ferries , this fleet is operating in a very special scenario: no matters if we talk about Internal waters like the lakes or the venetian lagoon or the islands in Gulf of Naples or the Sicilian islands, all those ferries must deal with port structures, often of historical interest, and environmental situations extremely particulars and requiring...
Carmelo Cascino
(Knud E. Hansen), Mrs
Francesca Arini
(Knud E. Hansen)
11/15/19, 3:20 PM
Abstract. La ricerca in oggetto intende investigare il settore delle RoPax, ovvero delle navi destinate al trasporto misto di passeggeri e veicoli dotati di ruote, oggi considerate tra i vettori di maggior interesse nella sfera del Transportation Design, grazie alle ricadute positive che il loro impiego ha evidenziato nell’ambito degli scambi commerciali e della coesione territoriale. Il ferry...
enrico carassale
11/15/19, 3:40 PM
The motor yacht, in the course of its evolution in the modern period, ever since it has become an element of serial production and therefore of global diffusion, has profoundly retraced its typological identity: its external conformation has become over time an identifying element of the more different ways to conceive and decline yachting. By virtue of a principle closely related to social...
Alfonso Barbato
(Fincantieri - Divisione Navi Militari)
11/15/19, 4:00 PM
Il problema del trattamento sanitario a bordo delle navi militari è stato affrontato in maniera diversa nella storia della navigazione, assumendo un rilievo più o meno significativo nelle varie epoche storiche. Da una visione sintetica delle soluzioni tecnologiche adottate da varie Marine Militari nella storia, per la cura dei feriti e dei malati a bordo, si arriva all’esposizione dei moderni...
Simone Mancini
(Università degli Studi "Giustino Fortunato")
11/15/19, 4:20 PM
This paper is focused on the history of a specific MAS (Motoscafo Armato Silurante) project among the many that were developed. The MAS was a class of fast torpedo armed vessel used by the Regia Marina during World War I up to World War II. During the two World Wars the general design of the MAS, however, was changed. From 1932 to 1937 the Baglietto shipyard developed, among the many projects,...
Maria Paola Salio
(Fincantieri S.p.A. – Divisione Navi Militari)
11/15/19, 4:40 PM
Una caratteristica importante di una unità navale militare è rappresentata dalla sua capacità di sopravvivenza (o *survivability*), ossia dalla capacità di continuare ad operare secondo gli scopi assegnati anche quando si trovi oggetto di attacchi ostili in uno scenario bellico o, comunque, in presenza di minacce esterne. La nave militare, infatti, è concepita per operare in combattimento e,...
Vittorio Bucci
(University of Trieste)
Naval architecture and marine engineering evolution
extended abstract + paper
The increasing focus on navigation sustainability is forcing the utilisa-
tion of alternative power sources on board of inland vessels. The adoption of Liquefied Natural Gas is for sure a good option to reach the imposed targets on pollutant emission reductions. However, the issues related to the gas storage on board increase the hazards for people and environment in case of failures compared...
Vittorio Bucci
(University of Trieste)
Naval architecture and marine engineering evolution
extended abstract + paper
The design of an offshore vessel requires the combination of multiple
aspects typical of naval architecture and marine engineering. Between them, the definition of environmental loads and excitation is relevant, since it is required to evaluate motion operability, dynamic positioning capability and structure dimensions. These three topics traditionally refer to independent analyses and are...
Luca Braidotti
(University of Trieste, University of Rijeka)
Naval architecture and marine engineering evolution
extended abstract + paper
Nowadays, the quasi-static techniques devoted to progressive flooding simulation are present in the literature. Most of them can be applied onboard to support crew decisions after a flooding casualty. However, in real scenarios, the input parameters, adopted to carry out time domain simulations, are often not accurately assessed or even unknown. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of...