Refitting & Conservation
- Maria Carola Morozzo della Rocca (Università degli Studi di Genova)
Martina Callegaro
(University of Genoa)
11/15/19, 2:00 PM
History of shipbuilding and navigation
extended abstract + paper
Houseboating is mainly known as a popular recreational activity, that takes place all around the world, involving groups of people of all ages, aboard houseboats of all varieties and sizes.
Houseboating is a relatively recent, but this practice seems to have a very ancient history. In fact, it can find its roots in India as well as in China or in the European continent, but the history of...
Carlo Bertorello
(Universita' di Napoli Federico II)
11/15/19, 2:20 PM
Refitting and conservation of marine and maritime heritage
extended abstract
Restaurare Velarca è stato riportarla al suo poterla usare, viverla come catalizzatore di atmosfere, pensieri, scambi, come contenitore di culture, conoscenze e modi di essere. E come momento di svago. Perché Velarca nel modo in cui è stata voluta dai suoi proprietari e resa da Belgiojoso, Banfi, Perassutti e Rogers nel 1961 è stata tutto questo. Nella storia dell’imbarcazione in legno,...
Antonia Soriente
(Università di Napoli "L'Orientale"), Prof.
Chiara Zazzaro
(Università di Napoli "L'Orientale")
11/15/19, 2:40 PM
Refitting and conservation of marine and maritime heritage
extended abstract
Indonesia is a very rich country in terms of maritime heritage, both underwater and ethnographic. The historical relevance of the islands in the global maritime trade network is recognised worldwide, so as the particularity of boat construction and navigation techniques. Contemporary wooden boatbuilding activities and traditional sailing still survive in various Indonesian regions. After a...