Ship & Nautical Design
- Massimo Musio-Sale (Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Architettura)
Valerio Ruggiero
(University of Messina)
15/11/2019, 15:00
Naval architecture and marine engineering evolution
extended abstract + paper
In Italy there is a large fleet of passenger ferries , this fleet is operating in a very special scenario: no matters if we talk about Internal waters like the lakes or the venetian lagoon or the islands in Gulf of Naples or the Sicilian islands, all those ferries must deal with port structures, often of historical interest, and environmental situations extremely particulars and requiring...
Carmelo Cascino
(Knud E. Hansen), Mrs
Francesca Arini
(Knud E. Hansen)
15/11/2019, 15:20
Ship and nautical design
extended abstract
Abstract. La ricerca in oggetto intende investigare il settore delle RoPax, ovvero delle navi destinate al trasporto misto di passeggeri e veicoli dotati di ruote, oggi considerate tra i vettori di maggior interesse nella sfera del Transportation Design, grazie alle ricadute positive che il loro impiego ha evidenziato nell’ambito degli scambi commerciali e della coesione territoriale. Il ferry...
enrico carassale
15/11/2019, 15:40
Ship and nautical design
extended abstract + paper
The motor yacht, in the course of its evolution in the modern period, ever since it has become an element of serial production and therefore of global diffusion, has profoundly retraced its typological identity: its external conformation has become over time an identifying element of the more different ways to conceive and decline yachting. By virtue of a principle closely related to social...