Jun 20 – 22, 2018
Trieste (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Systematic analysys of geometrical characteristics of hulls for displacement yacht.

Jun 21, 2018, 12:15 PM
Oceania (Trieste (Italy))


Trieste (Italy)

Stazione Marittima
Paper Yacht, pleasure craft design and inland vessels design Ship Design


Prof. Valerio Ruggiero (University of Messina)


As well known Italy is one of the leader in construction of large yachts, this market became bigger in the last decades not only in terms of number of constructions but also in terms of size of the ships. In ‘80s main part of Yachts were 30-40 mt. in length, megayachts over 60 mt. were unusual, then the size of yachts increased to the actual 100m and over. Same way the cruising speed raised , from 12 to 20 knots and over. This made necessary developing new types of hulls, able to operate at Froude number relatively high for a displacement hull, around 0.34-0.38 , but with ratios L/B quite low in order to guarantee the stability. The purpose of the research was to examine several hulls of yachts, from 32 to 80 mt, all tested at model basin and following built and make a statistical examination of the main geometrical data, and geometrical coefficients: Position of LCB respect to the Lenght, Ratios Am/T*B , Cb , etc , in order to define a “line guide” for the design of this kind of hulls and to find, if possible, common aspects to consider.

Primary author

Prof. Valerio Ruggiero (University of Messina)

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