Dino Telesca
(ATENA Inland Waterways Group)
6/20/18, 2:00 PM
(Marine Business Unit Area Manager, Naval Shipbuilding. SENER)
6/20/18, 2:15 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
This paper traces the history of ship design since Roman times, when ship designers began to use curves for drawing frames, through the Venetian techniques (XIII-XVI centuries) reusing templates, to the most modern methods for ship design.
Throughout the first half of the 20th century, ships were getting bigger; so it was necessary to work on larger scales. The templates allowed working on...
(University of Genova), Prof.
6/20/18, 2:30 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Ship safety and operational aspects are driving issues of ship design and at the same time it is well
recognized that such performances are strongly related to the Human Factor (HF) element.
In the paper a methodology to integrate HF into the ship design process since an early stage is
proposed, with the aim to improve the overall ship resilience when dealing with uncertainty
implied by HF...
Vedran Slapnicar
(Head of Chair of Ship Design and Offshore Engineering)
6/20/18, 2:45 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Shipbuilding is a nonlinear and modular process. Activities in production, design, management and finance are interlinked and interdependent. That has been, but only partially, already tackled by PERT and net diagrams depicting interdependence of activities, but in the production process mainly.
We deem it desirable and indispensable to introduce all activities not only during the production...
Carlo Nasso
(University of Trieste)
6/20/18, 3:00 PM
Yacht, pleasure craft design and inland vessels design
The European Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) is a viable and effective alternative to road and rail transport of persons and goods on the European network. Currently, the IWT is less exploited than the ‘traditional’ transport despite the European inland waterway network spans more than 29000 km and includes over 400 important ports and terminals. The design of inland waterway vessel is heavily...
Maged Abdel Naby
(Alexandria University)
6/20/18, 3:15 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Tolls paid by the vessels passing through the Suez Canal (SC) represent an important source of income for the Egyptian Economy.
The current research makes use of the current boost in the information technology and the timely published international scales and indices for calculating the earnings and the costs a ship incurs during her service to suggest a new toll calculation method. This...
6/20/18, 3:30 PM
Yacht, pleasure craft design and inland vessels design
The Bucintoro project has been relaunched after years in stand-by under the name of “Bucintoro of the Third Millennium”. Many contributors from Italy and even from France have accepted the challenge with the purpose of building the modern version of the last Bucintoro burned by Napoleon troops at the end of the Venetian Republic. The previous phase of development brought to a business plan...
6/20/18, 3:45 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Over last decades, due attention was paid to development of new stability criteria, especially probabilistic rules for damage stability, strongly influenced by the loss of many ro-ro ships in last decades of past century. In the last years, also a revision of intact stability code started and proposals have been implemented introducing stability in waves. These proposals deal with the...
Cok Loris
6/21/18, 8:30 AM
Conceptual and practical ship design
GASVESSEL project aims to prove the techno-economic feasibility of a new CNG transport concept enabled by a novel patented Pressure cylinder manufacturing technology and a new conceptual ship design including safe cargo handling.
It introduces an innovative solution for manufacturing Pressure cylinder that are 70% lighter than state-of-the-art alternatives. These superlight Pressure...
6/21/18, 8:45 AM
Conceptual and practical ship design
This paper seeks to assess and identify the most viable marine technology to transport natural gas within the Mediterranean Sea. Pipeline, LNG and CNG solutions are put in competition. Techno-economic modelling of each technology is performed to evaluate corresponding Capex and Opex. To enable comparison among the alternative supply chains, estimations of the total cost of investment, shipping...
Francesco Mauro
(Universita' di Trieste, University of Rijeka)
6/21/18, 9:00 AM
Conceptual and practical ship design
The compressed natural gas (CNG) transport is becoming nowadays an attractive solution not only for stranded gas shipping where current technologies like liquefied natural gas (LNG) and pipe lines are not economically competitive, but also for long-enough distance transport of large volumes of natural gas, where LNG still represents the most economical solution. In fact, recent studies on...
Small-scale LNG port facilities, permits, risk assessment, Eastern Mediterranean, LNG bunkering
Panayiotis MITROU
(Lloyd's Register)
6/21/18, 9:15 AM
Structural design & production technology
One of the key challenges to switch to LNG as fuel era is to create “a safe passage” for LNG bunkering, by designing safe, reliable and operable LNG port facilities and operations. Eastern Mediterranean region brings step changes towards small-scale use of LNG fuel for marine transportation through the extensive groundwork developed within European co-funded Poseidon Med II project. Lloyd’s...
Ioanna Koromila
(School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, National Technical University of Athens), Prof.
Konstantinos Spyrou
(National Technical University of Athens)
6/21/18, 9:30 AM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Protection against fire is one of the pillars of maritime safety. Although the legislation requires compliance with prescriptive regulations of fire prevention, protection and extinction, the concept of “safety equivalence” has enabled substantial innovations in the design of modern passenger ships, where catastrophic consequences may occur. The assessment framework could be improved by...
6/21/18, 9:45 AM
Conceptual and practical ship design
SOLAS (International Convention for Safety Of Life At Sea) Chapter II-2/Regulation 17 and Chapter III/Regulation 38 allow for the adoption of “Alternative designs and arrangements” that deviate from the ones permitted by prescriptive regulations. The process to be used for the Alternative Design engineering analysis is documented by SOLAS by means of guidelines and requires a holistic and...
Sergio Bisiani
(MarineLAB d.o.o.)
6/21/18, 10:00 AM
Ship propulsion, machinery and systems
Nowadays fuel consumption reduction is a primary concern in order to minimise operative costs and emissions during navigation. On this purpose, ballast management play an important role, in order to find the best configuration for ship navigation. An optimal ballast water distribution ensures to find a floating position having the minimum fuel consumption while assuring the fulfilment of rules...
Catalin Faitar
(Maritime University of Constanta)
6/21/18, 11:00 AM
Environment protection, electric system and ship energy efficiency
Nowadays, self-propelled maritime transport increasingly depends on the use of new technologies and energy from renewable sources.The Action Plan clearly shows that the vision of building a ship that does not release emissions is realistic. As far as manufacturing time is concerned, it is not only a question of technology development, but also of the advancement of economy, infrastructure,...
Angelo Odetti
6/21/18, 11:15 AM
Deepsea mining and marine robotics
In the framework of the RITMARE Italian Flagship Project, CNR INSEAN and ISSIA developed U-SWATH (Unmanned Small Waterplane Area Twin Hulls), an innovative Unmanned Marine Vehicle for institutional research purposes.
USWATH is 5 m long and 4 m wide with a maximum weight of 1.4 t. The SWATH non-conventional design ensures good seakeeping and good efficiency. Each of the submersible hulls,...
Lixin Xu
(China Merchants Offshore Technology Research Center)
6/21/18, 11:30 AM
Conceptual and practical ship design
Due to the request of energy source diversity, in addition to traditional oil/gas exploitation offshore industry has started to outspread to different energy areas such as gas hydrate and renewable wind energy in open sea. Foreseeably, as the demands of clean energy become more and more ardent under the pressure of environment protection, the offshore activities will extend more to renewable...
Luca Martinelli
(Rosetti Marino SpA)
6/21/18, 11:45 AM
Conceptual and practical ship design
The aim of the paper is to describe an industry-academic collaboration to conduct a research project whose main goal is the design of a new escort tug family characterized by high intact/damage stability margins, good maneouvering capability and stable behaviour during escort indirect assistance.
The project is focused on three main research areas: hydrodynamic design and internal subdivision...
Antonino Dell'Acqua
(Università di Trieste)
6/21/18, 12:00 PM
Conceptual and practical ship design
The main hydrodynamic characteristics of an Offshore Vessel are mostly referring to motion behaviour in rough sea. For such kind of ships, good seakeeping performances are mandatory, and, besides dynamic positioning quality, maybe more relevant than purely propulsive issues. The seakeeping performances of a ship are strongly influenced by main geometric parameters selected since concept design...
Valerio Ruggiero
(University of Messina)
6/21/18, 12:15 PM
Yacht, pleasure craft design and inland vessels design
As well known Italy is one of the leader in construction of large yachts, this market became bigger in the last decades not only in terms of number of constructions but also in terms of size of the ships.
In ‘80s main part of Yachts were 30-40 mt. in length, megayachts over 60 mt. were unusual, then the size of yachts increased to the actual 100m and over. Same way the cruising speed...
gianpiero lavini
(Fincantieri S.P.A)
6/21/18, 12:30 PM
Numerical & experimental hydrodynamics
Arctic and Antarctic areas are getting more and more attractive for cruises. The vessel designed for the operations in these and other ice areas like Canada and Baltic Sea must sail in ice in a safe and efficient way, as far as possible, without support of ice breakers. At the same time they should be quite efficient also in open waters. However the hull hydrodynamic shape of an efficient...